Sports Physiotherapy
Our Sports Physiotherapists are experienced at assessing, treating and returning athletes to sport and treat sports people from all levels – from elite to recreational levels.

Shoulder Physiotherapy
Early intervention is important to restoring normality and preventing further or ongoing injury.

Ankle sprain
By rolling the ankle in one direction ligaments on the other side can be stretched and damaged.

Hamstring strains
Is it a hamstring strain or referred pain? Consult one our experienced physios for an expert clinical assessment.

Knee pain
In addition to accurate assessment and diagnosis our treatment often includes strengthening for the quadriceps muscles and stretching of tight muscles.

Shin splints
Often resulting in pain at the front of the shins the 3 major causes are tendinopathy, stress fractures or compartment syndrome.

Our physiotherapists are experienced in providing rehabilitation to regain normal movement after injury or surgery.

Tennis elbow
Extensor tendinopathy or tennis elbow is inflammation and microscopic tearing of the tendons on the outside of the elbow.

Managing injuries
The best way to prevent more damage is by following the RICE and no HARM regime which should be commenced immediately.
Our physiotherapists provide highly skilled therapeutic assessment and treatment to facilitate rapid control of muscle and joint pain and return to activity.
Physiotherapy services may include the provision of the following elements as appropriate to each athlete:
- Biomechanical assessment
- Strengthening
- Biofeedback training
- Plyometric exercises
- Proprioceptive and balance exercises
- Core stability exercises or ‘body control’
- Swiss ball exercises
- Technique correction
- Graduated and progressive return to sport
- Cardiovascular conditioning
- Joint manipulation or mobilisation
- Soft tissue mobilisation (massage)
- Stretching
- Orthotics
- Sports strapping and bracing
- Electrophysical modalities (electrotherapy) for acute inflammation such as interferential therapy, ultrasound and ice
The information contained in this site is not intended as a substitute for advice from a qualified health care professional. Always obtain advice from a qualified health care professional before starting any exercise, stretching or health care program. The author and everyone involved in the production of this site disclaim any liability for any adverse effects resulting from the use of the information presented