Some simple stretching exercises you can perform at work in front of the computer to keep your back, neck and shoulders relaxed and pain free.
Chin tucks
Start with head in neutral (not poked forward). Slowly draw chin and head backwards. Do not tilt head back – keep eyes level stop at tightness or pain, and return to neutral.
- 10 Repetitions
- 1 or 2 Sets
- Every 2 or 3 hours
- Daily

Neck movements
Tilt head slowly side to side. Rotate head slowly to left and right, do not let chin poke forward. Tilt head down then up. Please note: Do not roll head in circles.
- 1 movement each side
- 1 or 2 Sets
- Every 3 hours
- Daily

Shoulder rolls and repositioning
Roll shoulders forward and up in a circular motion. Draw them back together slightly and ‘set’ down. Keep shoulders relaxed and maintain shoulder blades in position. Use the back of the chair for support.
- Set both shoudlers
- Repeat hourly

Upper traps stretch
Place one hand relaxed behind back just above belt line. Draw should blade back and hold. Place the other hand on top of head and rotate 1/2 way to that side. Draw head down to collar bone and hold for stretch.
- Stretch both sides
- Hold each stretch 60sec
- 1–2 stretches
- Twice per day

Arm and mid-back stretch
Place hands together reach over head until you feel a stretch. Keep head and back in this new position and lower arms down. Maintain your shoulder blades slightly back. Use the back of the chair for support.
- 1 Repetitions
- 1 or 2 Sets
- Every hour
- Daily

Forearm stretch
Straighten elbow out in front. With other hand gently pull wrist down and towards you. Slowly curl fingers in to stretch and hold. Don’t let elbow bend.
- Stretch both forearms
- Hold each stretch 60sec
- 1 or 2 stretches
- Twice per day

Doorway stretch
Place forearms on doorframes (or one at a time). Start with arms and elbows at 90deg. Step forward slowly to feel stretch in chest and hold for stretch. Move forearms up the doorframe to get different stretch.
- Hold each stretch 60sec
- 1 or 2 stretches
- Once a day

Lower back extensions
Keep knees straight, use desk to lean against if needed. Arch lower back backwards slowly to tightness / pain only. Return to neutral.
- 10 Repetitions
- 1 or 2 Sets
- Every 3 hours
- Daily

Disclaimer: Richmond Physiotherapy Clinic accepts no liability for the result of performing these exercises without actual in–house personal demonstration. Readers may attempt these exercises but do so at their own risk. It is to be understood that these exercises do not in any way substitute professional treatment and Richmond Physiotherapy Clinic advises that you seek treatment and advice for any injury or musculoskeletal disorder as well as one–on–one instruction of these exercises for most effective results.
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Some simple stretching exercises you can perform at work in front of the computer to keep your back, neck and shoulders relaxed and pain free.